Welcome to Luv-A-Pet, Inc!
1128 Royal Palm Beach Blvd #203 Royal Palm Beach , FL 33411
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1128 Royal Palm Beach Blvd #203
Royal Palm Beach , FL 33411
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The Adoption Process 

  • The first step in the Adoption Process is to register on our website.
  • Once you have registered, the system will generate and email you a password.
  • Use your User Name and Password log in to the website.
  • Once logged in, you can complete the Adoption Application for the animal in which you are interested.
  • Every application is assigned to and reviewed by an Adoption Counselor who will follow up with you.
  • Depending on the volume of applications we receive for a particular animal, the response time may vary from one day to a couple weeks. Please understand that our Adoption Counselors are all volunteers who perform this service in addition to their regular jobs. We appreciate your patience.
  • There is no need to complete a new application if you decide on a different animal - just send us an email.
  • Not every application will be approved. However, we hope that you understand that every decision we make is with the animal's best interest in mind.
  • If your application is approved, after the review process is complete, you will be scheduled for a meet and greet during the next available adoption event. Most applicants will be able to complete the adoption at that time.  
  • Cats: All are spayed/neutered, vaccinated against FVRP and rabies, microchipped, fecal tested and tested for leukemia and FIV. All adopters receive a wellness vet visit at our designated vet and a month of pet insurance. Adoption Donation is $100.00
  • Dogs: All are spayed/neutered, vaccinated against DA2PPV and rabies, microchipped, and heartworm tested. All adopters receive a wellness vet visit at our designated vet and a month of pet insuarance. Most fees vary between $200-$500. 
  • All adoption fees are a donation to the rescue. They help offset the rescue's cost to save, feed, from, nurse back to help, supply etc. each pet.  Many pets need life saving treatment or emergency surgeries, to become well and to the point where they can be adopted,  and these costs are not configured into the adoption fee.  Unlike open admission shelters, we do not euthanize pets, if they can be medically rehabbed, we invest in them. And unlike county shelters, whose fees are very low, we receive no government funding. 
  • Restrictions: Bull Breed type Dogs will only be placed with applicants who own their own home. 

  Things to Discuss with Your Adoption Counselor

  • Speak openly and honestly with your Adoption Counselor about your lifestyle. Remember, the Adoption Counselor is interested in finding the most suitable home for every animal and is looking out for the best interest of the animal.  

Your Schedule

  • Be realistic about how much time you have to give to a pet. Puppies can get lonely and may sometimes become destructive if left home for extended periods of time. Even adult dogs need to be let out throughout the day. Cats can entertain themselves for longer periods of time; however, all pets need quality time with their pet parents. Assess your schedule, be realistic about how much time you have to give your pet and work with your Adoption Counselor to make the appropriate decision.

  Children in your household

  • In addition to providing children with a loving companion, adopting a pet is a great way to teach kids responsibility. However, some pets, such as very young puppies and kittens may not always be a good match for families with young children. Children under a certain age may sometimes be unable to judge how roughly they are handling small pets, and puppies who are growing, have sharp playful teeth, and like to jump, often time’s knocking down a child. Thus, adult pets with mellow, patient personalities may be a better match for families with small children, especially if there is no pet experience listed on your application. Each application will be considered on its own merits and having children in the household does not necessarily preclude adoption of puppies or kittens.

  Other Household Pets

  • Our Adoption Counselors always try to gather information about our adoptable animals’ likes and dislikes, especially when it comes to compatibility with other pets. For instance, some cats don’t mind dogs, and other cats are terrified of them. Some dogs do not do well with other dogs in the household, while others will thrive with other canine companions. Your Adoption Counselor will take this sort of information into consideration when evaluating a potential match. If you are applying to adopt a dog and you currently have a dog at home, we strongly encourage you to bring your dog with you to meet your potential new family member. It is recommended to introduce dogs on a neutral territory and an advance meeting can be extremely helpful in determining if introduction of a new canine family member will be success. 

Luv A Pet, Inc. makes a substantial effort to assure that adoptable animals are in good health. It is possible, however, that undetectable illnesses or conditions may be present or incubating at the time of adoption. Therefore, our Adoption Counselors do not make any guarantee as to age, behavior, breed, health, temperament or ultimate size of any animal.

Taking all of these factors into consideration when adopting a pet can help to ensure that a match will lead to a happy, lifelong relationship.

Short cut to the application:   https://luvapet.rescuegroups.org/forms/